Meeting Agendas & Minutes
As the legislative branch of the City of Whitewater government, the Council holds open public meetings where local laws, policies, and basic decisions for the city are discussed and decided. Council members are elected at large.
Notice for all public meetings, along with agendas, are posted in advance of the meeting. Minutes are posted after official approval is given by the council during the following months meeting.
Special Meetings can be called by the Mayor or upon the request of a majority of City Council members. A special meeting may be called when urgent matters require attention before the next regular meeting. Proper notice must be given to all council members, and the meeting must comply with Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA) requirements, ensuring transparency for the public.
The notice must include the date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting. Only the items listed on the agenda may be discussed or acted upon during the special session.
For Further details on scheduling a special meeting, refer to city ordinances or contact the city clerk's office.
Related Documents
- Special Meetings